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Pilot Rescued After Syrian Warplane Crashes in Damascus Countryside

Warplane crashes after conducting combat mission against ISIS militants east of Damascus
Pilot Rescued After Syrian Warplane Crashes in Damascus Countryside

A Syrian air force pilot was rescued after his warplane crashed during a combat mission against Islamic State positions in the Damascus countryside on Wednesday, according to military sources.

Meanwhile, the Syrian air force on Wednesday carried out strikes against ISIS and Nusra Front positions in the eastern and northern countryside of Homs central province.

The source added that a number of the ISIS militants were killed and injured in the strikes and a number of their vehicles were destroyed.

SANA’s reporter added that the Syrian air force carried out an air strike against Ahrar al-Sham positions, killing at least nine militants.

An army unit on Wednesday morning carried out an operation against gatherings of Nusra Front militants in Daraa’s Al-Balad neighborhood, killing a number of militants and wounding others.

Syrian air forces also targeted Jaish al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) fighters about 18 km to the north of Hama city.

In the southern countryside of Idleb province, the air force targeted the rebel fortifications to the east of Al-Tamanaa town, killing and injuring a number of fighters while also destroying vehicles.

A Syrian army unit also killed a number of militants and destroyed armored vehicles on the outskirts of Maardes town in the northern countryside of Hama central province.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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