Chairman of the Trade Union Federation Jamal al-Qadiri said that Syrians have faced terrorism backed by well-known foreign powers, as well as an economic war represented through unjust siege.
Qadri’s comments came during the opening of the third International Trade Union Conference on Monday at the Sahara Tourist Complex in the Damascus countryside. The event aims to promote solidarity against "terrorism, blockades, economic sanctions and imperial interventionist policies."
He added that terrorism constitutes a danger not only to Syrians, but to humanity as a whole, calling on all nations and governments to be united in the fight against terror by exposing the sources of its support and funding.
Qadri pointed out that the world’s workers have stood by Syria in its war against terrorism.
Heads of regional and international trade union bodies also expressed solidarity with Syria and its people against terror, with chairman of the International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions, Ghassan Ghosn, stating: “We renew our solidarity with Syria and assure that, thanks to the steadfastness of the Syrian people and the victories of its army, Syria will emerge victorious.”
This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.