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August 2019

Army Restores Control Over Southern Idleb Towns

The Syrian Arab Army has established control of a number of towns in the provinces of Idleb and Hama, inflicting heavy losses on the terrorists positioned there writes SANA.

Eid Holiday

On the occasion of Eid al-Adha, The Syrian Observer will not be publishing any articles Monday, August 12. We will be back in action Tuesday, August 13.

The Separatist Era Not Mentioned in the Syrian Revolt

While the Syrian civil war is still painfully fresh in people’s minds, many have forgotten another time in Syria’s history when democracy had a chance writes Asharq Al-Awsat.

Who Is Baghdadi’s Successor?

The head of the Islamic State has named Abdullah Qardash as his successor, as people speculate about the health of the terrorist leader reports Al-Hal.

Syria Government Rejects US, Turkish Safe Zone

Syria has condemned Turkish and US plans to establish a safe zone in northern Syria, describing them as a flagrant aggression against Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity writes SANA.