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August 2019

Syria’s Neighbors Weary of War Refugees

Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan are playing host to 5.2 million Syrian refugees, but they are increasingly being regarded as a burden writes Asharq Al-Awsat

Asaad al-Zouabi’s Comments Anger Kurds

The former head of the Syrian opposition delegation in Geneva published a series of inflammatory tweets against the Kurds reports Etihad Press.

Turkey: US Stalling on Syria Safe Zone Will Not Work

Turkey’s foreign minister has emphasised that the safe zone in northern Syria must go ahead and the US cannot delay its creation writes Anadolu News Agency.

Suweida: Confrontation With Hezbollah Approaches?

A recent ambush has increased tensions in the southern province of Suweida, with the Sheikh Karameh Forces demanding that those responsible be handed over to tribal courts reports Al-Modon

Syrian Warplane Shot Down in Idleb

A warplane belonging to the Syrian Air Force was hit and downed by a missile fired by terrorists in Idleb’s southern countryside writes SANA.

Head of Russian Rights Group Disappears in Idleb

Oleg Melnikov is the head of the Russian “Alternativa” rights movement and travelled to Idleb to search for two children from Kazakhstan and take them home writes Alsouria Net.

Rights Report Warns About the Return of Refugees to Syria

The Syrian Network for Human Rights has revealed that the regime arrested 638 refugees who were forcibly returned to Syria and has called on the UN to warn people of the danger of returning.