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Syria Affirms Full Support for President Maduro

Syria has criticised the US for interfering in Venezuela, and lashed out at permanent members of the UN Security Council reports SANA.
Syria Affirms Full Support for President Maduro

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, reiterated Syria’s full support to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and its categorical rejection of US interferences in Venezuela’s affairs, calling upon the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) member states to adopt a unified stance in support of the legitimate government in Venezuela. 

“Syria realizes the conspiracy hatched against Venezuela and it understands what is taking place and the goals of its enemies, who want to steal its resources and to change its strategic stances,” Jaafari said in a statement during an emergency meeting for the NAM Coordinating Bureau.

He affirmed Syria’s full support for the government of the legitimate Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro, and its solidarity with the leadership and people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in preserving the sovereignty of the country and foiling hostile schemes, which aim to topple the legitimate government in the country.

Jaafari voiced Syria’s categorical rejection of the US’s and others countries stark interferences in the internal affairs of Venezuela, noting that dialogue is the only way to reach a political solution that respects Venezuela’s sovereignty and independence.

He indicated that Syria is fully convinced that the Venezuelan leadership, government and people who have resisted the US tendencies of hegemony and arrogance, are today more able to confront and foil this renewable conspiracy and to preserve the sovereignty, independence and security of their homeland. 

Jaafari added that NAM’s inability to impose its ten principles on international relations has harmed some states, such as Syria because some NAM states have cooperated with its enemies to destroy Syria, and today, they are doing the same thing in Venezuela under false and flimsy pretexts. 

He reiterated that the latest developments witnessed in Venezuela don’t pose a threat to international peace and security in any way, as what is taking place in the country is a domestic affair, but they are trying to move it to the Security Council under the pretext that the situation threatens international peace and security.

He called upon the international community to stop some reckless states that have exploited their permanent membership on the Security Council to achieve their colonial agendas.

Jaafari renewed Syria’s call on the NAM member states to express their adherence to the principles of the movement by adopting a unified stance in support of the legitimate government in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. 

He went on to say that, to date, the Security Council has adopted 30 resolutions on the crisis in Syria and all of these resolutions affirm the independence of the Syrian Arab Republic and its territorial integrity, yet many states that voted in favor of these resolutions have been the first to violate them.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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