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Request to Initiate Lawsuit Against Corrupt Assembly Member Rejected

The Syrian People's Assembly has rejected the Justice Minister's request to initiate a lawsuit against Assembly member Rasim al-Masry, Shaam Network reports.
Request to Initiate Lawsuit Against Corrupt Assembly Member Rejected

The Syrian People’s Assembly has rejected the Justice Minister’s request to initiate a lawsuit against Assembly member Rasim al-Masry, accused of corruption, according to pro-government Al-Baath newspaper. Despite evidence supporting the allegations, the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee declined the request, citing no explanation or justification.

The complaint against Masry, filed with the Lattakia Police Command, alleges corruption and abuse of influence for personal gain. The Governor of Latakia’s report details violations, including unauthorized construction in a protected area.

The Justice Ministry resubmitted the request, arguing that the committee’s rejection violates internal regulations. Minister Ahmed Al-Sayed emphasized that the committee’s role is to ensure the request is fair and based on precise justifications, allowing the judicial authority to investigate.

The denial has sparked speculation on social media that the Assembly is protecting Al-Masry to avoid exposing further corruption among senior officials.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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