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New Mechanisms to Promote Ties with Friendly States: Minister

Jazeri met with visiting Venezuelan officials Wednesday
New Mechanisms to Promote Ties with Friendly States: Minister

Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade Humam al-Jazeri stressed the importance of activating economic relations and raising the volume of trade exchange with friendly countries, saying the export process supports the Syrian economy and will sustain it through the crisis.


Meeting visiting Venezuelan officials on Wednesday, Jazeri said Syria has many investment opportunities and products to meet the Venezuelan market, and called for finding joint work mechanisms for the requirements of the current stage.


Venezuelan Ambassador Emad Saab, for his part, pointed out to the importance of promoting trade and economic bilateral relations, adding that both countries are connected by cultural and family ties.


Members of the visiting delegation expressed their support and solidarity with Syria in light of the unfair war to which the country is exposed.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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