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Golani Visits Fighters in Aleppo, Promises an Islamic Emirate

Golani asked his fighters to cooperate on the establishment of the Islamic Emirate
Golani Visits Fighters in Aleppo, Promises an Islamic Emirate

The leader of the Nusra Front, Abu Mohammad Golani has appeared at a high level meeting with most of the leaders and fighters of the Front in Aleppo, promising of the birth of an Islamic Emirate that aims to apply the laws of God.


A source from the Front told Aleppo Media Center that to everyone's surprise, the emir headed the meeting which was scheduled to discuss the reconstruction and formation of the group.


The source said that the presence of Golani was a source of joy for the fighters of the organization.


Golani began his speech by praising the organization's fighters and urging them to continue their jihad and defence of the honor of Muslims, promising them to declare an Islamic Emirate in coordination with various Islamic factions and some Free Syrian Army battalions that have signed a charter to apply the laws of God.


Golani revealed that the emirate will not be composed of Nusra alone, but will include other factions that want to join. However, he said the main objective of the emirate is to apply the laws of God and fight against corruption.


Golani asked his fighters to cooperate and work hard on the establishment of the Islamic Emirate which will ensure the rights of all people and the trial of people according to Islamic law.


Golani told his fighters that the Front has tremendous potential to achieve the emirate, urging them to remain steadfast against their enemies; Alawites, extremists, the Kurdish PKK and the corrupt, as he described them, urging them to have no mercy towards their enemies.


Golani confirmed during the meeting that Aleppo will witness the birth of the first Islamic emirate, and that other regions will witness the establishment of similar emirates, which will seek to break the siege imposed by regime's forces and connect to each other.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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