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Aleppo Barrel Bomb Massacre Enters Eighth Day

More than 500 people have been killed according to early estimates
Aleppo Barrel Bomb Massacre Enters Eighth Day

Regime forces shelled Aleppo and its countryside with more than 100 explosive barrels over the last week, killing more than 500 people according to early estimates, mostly women and children.


Many others have been wounded in the strikes, which also caused large material damage to houses and property.


Now in its eighth day, the regime assault coincided with the liberation of al-Kindi hospital, which was a strategic military point for the regime at the entrance of the eastern countryside.


The regime avenged the village of Mareh by dropping two explosive barrels on two schools, injuring 40 children. Another nine people dies in that attack when their houses collapsed.


The eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo woke up to the sound of explosions and the smell of burning cars and bodies, after regime air forces dropped four barrels on the Hanano-Sakhour highway, near the region of al-Ahmadieh.


The powerful explosions burned trucks and a bus carrying 30 passengers, who were all killed.


The shelling attack there killed another 40 people in one building and injured dozens although ongoing shelling made a precise death toll unavailable.


Meters from al-Hamidieh, helicopters targeted al-Sakhour with four explosive barrels, killing 20 civilians and wounded more than 80 others.
The air force targeted the neighborhoods and countryside of Aleppo, including al-Haidariah, Bidin, Masaken Hanano, Maier, Mareh, Hretan, Rutban and others.


Field hospitals asked people to donate blood for the wounded. Later airstrikes dropped an explosive barrel on Ard al-Hamra, which destroyed houses, but the number of victims is still unknown but activists estimate that the number of victims exceed 100 people with civil defense volunteers still trying to collect corpses from under the collapsed buildings.


Edited and translated by The Syrian Observer


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