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For the First Time: Conference in Suweida Calls for the End of the Regime

An unprecedented conference was held in Syria, in the Suweida governorate, in which participants called for the end of the Assad regime, according to Baladi News.
For the First Time: Conference in Suweida Calls for the End of the Regime
For the First Time: Conference in Suweida Calls for the End of the Regime

On Sunday, a conference was held in as-Suweida with unprecedented motives within Syria. The conference was attended by political bodies and elites from the governorate. The conference aims to discuss the political process while simultaneously stressing the need for the departure of the regime’s authorities. It also emphasized the implementation of Resolution 2254, a peaceful transition, and an end to the state of war in the country.

The participants affirmed their willingness to hold the conference inside Syrian territory rather than outside. They also expressed their will to launch the conference from inside Syria. The participants wish to work with the rest of the Syrian governorates and national components throughout Syria aiming to save Syria from its witnessed collapsed.

The conference discussed three main topics. The first topic revolves around the deteriorating living conditions in the Suweida governorate and the security situation there. The second topic discussed the battles taking place in Daraa. Lastly, the third topic dealt with the upcoming Syrian political solution and which can be implemented for a peaceful transition of government in Syria; this transition will contribute to ending the conflict in the country.

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Participants emphasized that the security services are behind the chaos in the governorate. This is represented by the proliferation of its affiliated gangs that carry out kidnappings, robberies, murders, and drug trafficking. In addition to the fact that the security services protect these gangs and provide them with security cards.

Participants blamed the regime for the reality witnessed in Suweida and all Syrian governorates, including the deterioration of living and service conditions. They confirmed that Syria has become an easy target for other countries, where the regime owns 17% of the coast and the remaining part is sold to Russia and Iran.

The conference was held at the invitation of the Syrian Brigade Party in partnership with national political elites from the governorate.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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