

Opinion: America’s Goal is to Weaken and Isolate Syria

President Assad’s political and media adviser writes in loyalist Al-Watan that recent U.S. military action in Syria is part of a century-old plan to fracture the unity of the Arab world

Opinion: The Qatari Regime Fears Syria’s Victory

Naim Ibrahim questions the reason behind Qatar’s funding of fighters in Syria and its calls for the departure of Assad, asking: would Doha give up power if the shoe was on the other foot?

Opinion: Syrian De-Escalation Zones Are Only Ink on a Map

Abdulnasser Al-Ayed explains that for Russia’s ‘safe zone’ proposal to work, Moscow will need to consider U.S. concerns despite attempts to sideline Washington in the Syrian peace process

Moscow Warns of ‘Preparations for Chemical Show’ in Damascus

Russia’s head of arms control claims new ‘chemical theater’ could take place in the Damascus countryside, Saudi-owned Al-Hayat reports, weeks after Putin pointed to the possibility of ‘fake’ gas attacks to justify further U.S. strikes on the Syrian regime

Displacement of Syrians from 4 Towns is Price for Freeing Kidnapped Qataris

Opposition members and activists decry the forced relocation of thousands of civilians from the “four Syrian towns” as part of a negotiation deal to release kidnapped Qatari businessmen, Paula Istih writes for Saudi-owned Asharq Al-Awsat

Opinion: Consequences of the American Strike in Syria

Donald Trump’s decision to strike the Shayrat base earlier this month was less about changing the balance of power in Syria, but instead represented a nod to his domestic rivals showing his willingness to act as a strong and decisive leader, Abdel Moneim Ali Eissa writes for loyalist outlet Al-Watan

Syria … Post the U.S. Strike!

Trump had to send a message to all parties supporting Assad that he won’t just resort to Syrian talks but will be part of the joint offensives in Syria, Tariq Alhomayed writes

U.S. Strikes Put Syria at a Crossroads: Beginning of Political Settlement or De Facto Division?

Al-Hayat columnist Ibrahim Hamidi highlights four observations in the aftermath of the first American strike on Syrian army positions, explaining that the coming days will show which of two tracks will be taken by Russian and the U.S. in response — military escalation between the two superpowers, or a renewed interest in a military-political agreement

Assad to Croatian Media: We Have No Other Option Except Victory

President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to Croatian newspaper Vecernji List published Thursday, in which he reflects on six years of conflict, the negotiation process and the fight against terrorism. The following is the full text as published by government news agency SANA