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Opposition President Receives Italian Delegation

The President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition, Salem al-Meslet, received a delegation from the Italian Foreign Ministry to discuss the recent developments in Syria, according to the SOC media department.

UAE Top Diplomat Visits Syria: What Does Abu Dhabi Want?

As the U.S. neutralizes the role of the UAE in several files, including in Syria, Abu Dhabi’s move comes to expand its margin in the region, Mohamed Sarmini writes in Nedaa Post.

UAE Syria Move: Not Unpredicted but Still Untimely

The recent move by the UAE, which sent its top diplomat to Syria to meet the regime’s president Bashar al-Assad, comes in a period of American disinterest for the Syria file.

Assad Receives UAE Foreign Minister in Damascus

President Assad received in Damascus Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the UAE, to discuss bilateral relations, the Syrian Presidency Facebook page claims.

What Happened Over the Weekend

The U.S. denies plans to normalize ties with the Syrian regime, COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc in Syria, and Syria participates in Expo 2020 in Dubai. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.