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What Happened Over the Weekend in Syria

Exchange of fire between opposition and regime forces, Syrian Russian mercenary in Dubai for tourism, and weather conditions close ports in Syria. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.
What Happened Over the Weekend in Syria

The de-escalation zones in northwest Syria witnessed on Saturday military escalation and exchange of shelling between the Syrian government forces and Turkish-backed opposition factions. The opposition factions’ sites in the towns of al-Fatira, Kafr Aweid, Sufuhn, and Kansafra, and the outskirts of al-Bara, south of Idleb, were hit with heavy artillery by the Syrian government forces, opposition military sources told North Press.  “The sites of the opposition factions in the villages and towns of Kafr Ta’al, Taqad, Ajel and the outskirts of Kafr Noran, west of Aleppo, were also bombed by the government forces,” the sources added.  “Al-Fateh al-Mubin Operations Room bombed the government forces’ sites in the town of Malajah, south of Idleb, plus the city of Saraqib and the villages of Dadikh and Khan al-Sabil, east of Idleb” according to the sources.

Zaman al-Wasl obtained photos and footage showing a war criminal from pro-Russia auxiliary forces as a tourist in the UAE city of Dubai.  Saqr Shaheen, 49, a senior leader in the Russia-backed 25th Special Task Force Division, (formerly Tiger Forces), arrived in Dubai last week on a tourist and family trip where his wife resides and runs his business, according to well-informed sources. Shaheen’s visit was not the first to the UAE, sources said. Shaheen was one of the first militants of the “25th Special Tasks Division”, which was led by notorious Brigadier General Suhail al-Hassan, nicknamed “The Tiger”, as he enjoys a very strong relationship With al-Hassan and close associates of the Russian forces.

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Syria’s permanent representative to the United Nations and other international organizations in Vienna, Ambassador Hassan Khaddour reiterated that Syria has fulfilled its legal obligations under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty despite all the difficult circumstances it went through as a result of aggressive policies and pressures. According to SANA, Khaddour’s remarks came during the Board of Governors session held by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna for the month of March 2022.

United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres affirmed on Friday the importance of resolving the crisis in Syria politically to preserve the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Tass quoted Guterres as saying in a statement that “We must show the courage and determination to move beyond rhetorical commitments to peace and to do all that is necessary to reach a negotiated political solution in line with Security Council resolution 2254.”

The General Directorate for Ports announced on Thursday that all seaports on the Syrian coast were closed for maritime navigation and fishing due to the prevailing bad weather conditions, SANA reported. The Ministry of Transport said in a statement that the closure will be from this night until further notice due to the weather conditions, including the increase in the intensity of the winds and the rise in high sea waves.

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