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What Happened Over the Weekend in Syria

Exchange of fire between opposition and regime forces, Syrian Russian mercenary in Dubai for tourism, and weather conditions close ports in Syria. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Qatar Rejects Normalization with Assad Regime

The Foreign Minister of Qatar Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman al-Thani stressed that it is unlikely that Qatar will normalize relations with Israel or the Assad regime, according to the Zaitun agency.

2021 Recap: What Happened in Syria

What happened in Syria in 2021? From the Arab rapprochement to the presidential elections, the Syrian Observer recaps last year’s most important news.

Iranian President Raisi to Visit Syria and UAE

Sources in Syria and the UAE expect that Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi will soon visit Damascus and Abu Dhabi to discuss stability and cooperation, Rai al-Yom reports.

Syria to Host Arab Arab Energy Conference 2024

The council of ministers of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries decided that Syria will host the 2024 Arab Energy Conference in the capital Damascus, SANA reports.

Syrian Foreign Minister Visits Iran

The Syrian Foreign Minister will be in Iran for two days to discuss bilateral relations, according to North Press.

Syrian Patriarch Visits UAE

The Syrian Greek Orthodox Patriarch met with the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, to discuss Christian-Muslim brotherhood, according to al-Dostor.

Algeria President Hints at Syrian Regime Return to Arab League

The president of Algeria suggested on Saturday that the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is supposed to return to the Arab League during the organization’s next summit, according to Asharq al-Awsat.