

What Happened Over the Weekend

Russia gives aid to needy families in Damascus, militant headquarters explode in Aleppo, and Austrian delegation meets with Autonomous Administration. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

What did Mikdad Tell Moscow?

Faisal Mikdad reportedly delivered two messages to Russia, stating that a conclusion to the situation in Idleb was desired and that Assad was here to stay writes Alsouria Net.

Six Syrian Rebels Killed in Accidental Explosion as Clashes Continue

An explosion at an ammunition dump has left six Ahrar al-Sham rebels dead in Aleppo, but reports say it was far away from residential areas and there were no reports of civilian casualties writes Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

Al-Hassakeh Thirsty for Fourth Consecutive Week

The water cuts are generating serious health risks for the population, particularly in light of the efforts to the face the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, Levant News writes

Turkey Withdraws from Aleppo Countryside

These outposts were the last to be besieged by Assad forces, and Turkey would have now evacuated all the besieged observation points, writes Al-Souria

What Happened Over the Weekend

Syria has been criticized by the OPCW, refugees become Canadian citizens, Turkey launches fresh assault in Raqqa and coronavirus cases continue to rise. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Prominent Media Activist Assassinated in al-Bab

Hussein Khattab has been shot dead by unknown assassins as he worked on a video report in al-Bab, making him the latest journalist to be killed in Syria reports Alsouria Net.

Living Difficulties for IDP Families in Syria’s Northeast Derik

Families that have been forced from their homes by military action are moving to Derik in northeastern Syria, but are finding the conditions there equally difficult, with high rents and the cost of basic supplies reports North Press.

Missile Hits Turkish Forces in Idleb

An unknown attacker fired a shoulder mounted missile at a guard at a Turkish military base in Idleb, causing material damage reports Baladi News.

Russia Propositions SDF in Ayn Issa

Russia officials have told SDF leadership that the threat of a Turkish invasion of Ayn Issa is real and they should withdraw from the area reports Asharq Al-Awsat.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Turkish forces attack citizens in Ayn Issa, coronavirus cases continue to rise, Russia and Syria conduct airstrikes against ISIS and Alouk pumping station halts service. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Syria: Government and Opposition Submit Documents in Geneva

All parties to the Syrian Constitutional Committee have submitted documents outlining their visions for the future, as the latest round of talks came to an end reports Asharq Al-Awsat.

Idleb Comes Under Focus After Turkish Troop Movements

The northern province of Idleb is supposed to be controlled by a ceasefire agreement between Russia and Turkey, but frequent infringements spread fear and chaos reports Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.