

Kobani: A Looming Humanitarian Disaster

ISIS may have withdrawn from the Syrian border city, but Kobani is now facing another difficult battle

SNC Plans to Rebuild International Standing

Syria opposition to appoint new representatives in Qatar, Turkey and Britain, with Coalition president expected to visit France

Opinion: the Four Players in the Syrian Arena

The clinching argument for the cynical pirouette is that a deal with Russia might give some of Assad’s opponents a share of power in Damascus

Local Council to Make Canal Flow Again

Farmers in the village of Al-Khareeta are set to profit from new project, while some see further benefits too

Turkish Group Seeks Outlet for Syria’s Youth

Through a series of workshops the NGO seeks to build the confidence of disadvantaged youth, including those coping with mental difficulties, and will soon look to help some of the youngest and most vulnerable victims the Syrian conflict

Our Man in Damascus

The White House leaks that it is tilting toward Assad and Iran

Assad to Foreign Affairs Magazine: Human Rights Violations Rare in Syria

President Assad to Foreign Affairs Magazine: Israel is supporting terrorist organizations in Syria. President Assad gave an interview to the American magazine Foreign Affairs published on Monday. Following is the full text of the interview, as published by SANA

Syrian National Coalition Receives $6 Million in US Financial Aid

The money is for development and relief projects in “areas liberated by the moderate Syrian opposition,” it said in a statement, including food deliveries, public services and supporting local rebel councils