

Kurds Learn Their Mother Language in Qamishli

Kurdish language courses are organized by several different institutions, including political parties and independent organizations

Syrian Kurds declare autonomous government

The announcement was made after talks in the mostly-Kurdish town of Qamishli, and comes after Kurdish leaders announced plans to create the temporary government in July

Explosion Rocks Qamishli

Residents report tension in the city amid PYD raids and abductions

Civil Society Flourishes in Qamishli

Every day, the activists from an organization called Shawishka meet in a small apartment in one of the neighbourhoods of Qamishli, a majority Kurdish city in Syria’s Hassaka Governorate, to come up with new projects to empower women.

Syria’s Secular Revolution Lives On

Islamist radicals may be gaining strength, but the spirit that sparked this uprising survives in the unlikeliest of places.