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PYD-Regime Alliance Split?

The recent formation of new pro-regime militias could spell the end of a PYD-regime alliance

Hassakeh Christians Unite

Nine churches and other Christian institutions declared the formation of the General Authority of the Chaldean Syriac Assyrians in Hassakeh province

Kurds Asked Assad to Recognize Autonomy

Baath party source said the regime threatened the Kurds that he will give up the city of Hassakeh to the Islamic State if they insist on their demand to recognize the self-administration

Kurds Learn Their Mother Language in Qamishli

Kurdish language courses are organized by several different institutions, including political parties and independent organizations

Syrian Kurds declare autonomous government

The announcement was made after talks in the mostly-Kurdish town of Qamishli, and comes after Kurdish leaders announced plans to create the temporary government in July