

HRW Annual Report on Syria

Syria’s armed conflict escalated even further in 2013 as the government intensified its attacks and began using increasingly deadly and indiscriminate weapons, culminating in a chemical weapons attack on the Damascus countryside on August 21

Who’s who: Saeb Nahas

Adnan Abdulrazak writes for The Syrian Observer on the businessman who mediated between the Syrian regime and major superpowers

The Arab Spring: Is Syria the Last Stop?

The failure of the international community to support the Syrian revolution prompts questions about their real intentions

The regime facilitates ISIS actions in Syria

This story has been written for The Syrian Observer by an activist from Idleb who say that by incorporating Al-Qaeda in Syria, the regime is stoking sectarian tensions, since Hezbollah is already located in Syria, along with the Iraqi Shiite radical movement, Abo Fadl El Abbasi