

Is There an American-Russian Deal for Syria?

Russia and Iran’s militias launched a heavy assault on Aleppo last month, allowing Iranian forces and allied Iraqi and Lebanese sectarian militias, as well as what remains of the Syrian army still loyal to Assad, to impose a siege on eastern Aleppo

The Syrian People, From Infirmity to Action

What happened in Syria was an attempt by society to end the condition of infirmity which has consistently and persistently defined the authority’s structure throughout the decades of its rule

The End of the ‘Caliphate’s Capital’

Raqqa has become the world capital of horror after it transformed into a camp where terrorists from different countries and nationalities gathered, forming a terrorist army

Opinion: Hezbollah – What a Blow!

Mustafa Badreddine was not Abu Musab al-Zarqawi or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. However, he was more dangerous