

Deal for Four Cities… And Death From One Side

Despite the implementation of the “four cities” agreement, it is not possible to compare — in any sense at all — the siege of Zabadani and Madaya which are under opposition control, and the siege of Kefraya and Foua which are under the control of the regime and its militias

Opinion: The Aleppo Tangle and the Iranian-Russian Plan

Russia’s victory in enabling the regime and Iran’s militias to enter eastern Aleppo will comprise a major turning point in the Syrian war and will lead to a major disruption in the balance of forces to favor Iran, its militias, and the Assad regime

Assad Says WWIII is In the Air

The Syrian President Bashar al-Assad claimed in an interview to Russia’s Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper that the smell of WWIII is in the air. Following is the full text, as published by SANA, the official news agency.

Who Entrapped Aleppo?

Aleppo chanted for freedom and democracy, and even raised the banners of the Ukrainian revolution and supported all the national liberation movements around the world, but the “free world” has turned away from it.

The Issue isn’t ISIS — it’s the Crimes of the Syrian Regime!

It is notable that the international family has intervened against ISIS and its projects in Iraq and Syria, but it has not intervened to protect civilians and prevent war crimes as much as it has intervened to protect its own interests

8 Iranian Soldiers Killed in Aleppo

Disputes between regime forces and the so-called Hezbollah increased in the past two days after the fighters from Jaish al-Fatah had launched a series of attacks in southwest Aleppo