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Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham

Syria Regime Shelling Kills Three Civilians

Shelling by Syrian government forces of a fuel depot in the opposition-held Idleb region killed three civilians, according to Asharq al-Awsat.

HTS Converts Fuel Prices to USD in Idleb

The HTS-run Watad Petroleum Company has priced fuel in USD instead of the usual Turkish lira, as the latter depreciates against the greenback, according to North Press.

Syrians Fear Hunger over Record Currency Devaluation

As the value of the Syrian pound continues to fall, families are worried that they will soon no-longer be able to afford food for their families reports Asharq Al-Awsat.

UN: One Million Children at Risk in Idleb

There is already a lack of food, water and medical supplies. An assault by the government would exacerbate the situation to critical levels writes Al-Araby al-Jadeed

Ghouta Councils Demand End to Army of Islam Tyranny

Statement calls on rebel group to withdraw from territory it has taken during a week of deadly fighting with rival rebels in the Damascus countryside, opposition website reports