

My Government is Ready: Hitto

Al-Modon has published an interview with the Prime Minister of the Syrian transitional government Ghassan Hitto. Here are some extracts:

The War to Liberate Syria

Waiting for the United States to change its mind and become convinced of the necessity of arming the opposition effectively would mean giving the regime an undetermined period of time to gradually eradicate the opposition

Opinion: The War to Liberate Syria

Waiting for the United States to change its mind and become convinced of the necessity of arming the opposition effectively, not just verbally and theoretically, would mean giving the regime an undetermined period of time to gradually eradicate the opposition

The Syrian Opposition, revisited

The Syrian Opposition is due for a meeting in Istanbul to elect a new leadership. What is really at stake in the elections?

King Abdullah II: The view from Amman

The King of Jordan speaks to Asharq Al-Awsat on the Syrian crisis and its impact on Jordan and the Middle East

Opinion: Obama's Disappointing Abandonment

The US has political and geostrategic interests in the Middle East but Obama, with his huge failure to pressure Putin, reflects an abandonment of these interests