
Widespread Arrest Campaign in Aleppo

The regime’s Military Police have rounded up a number of men, including university students with exemptions, to send to fight on the frontlines in northern Syria writes Baladi News.
Widespread Arrest Campaign in Aleppo

Regime Military police carried out a campaign of arrests in Aleppo city on Sunday.

A source told Baladi News, “Regime military police carried out a campaign of arrests in the morning which affected a number of young men with the aim of getting them into military service. There were also arrests of university students.”

The source added that the campaign focused on the al-Mashhad district and Salaheddin in Aleppo city, with four young men arrested, as well as the arrest of a man from Aleppo University, who was from Idleb province, despite the fact that he had a student delay from the university.

The source said that many young men had been arrested recently to be put on the fronts in western and southern Aleppo and in the Idleb countryside in light of the fighting there.

The Military Police have been carrying out arrests for a long time in Aleppo city, affecting dozens of young men in various districts, and sending them to the fronts.

Regime forces have recently begun an offensive on towns and villages in the western Aleppo countryside and the Idleb countryside, killing and wounding hundreds of regime fighters.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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