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Turkish Army Comes Under Attack Inside Idleb

The Turkish army was struck by an RPG as they patrolled in Idleb, along the M4 highway, forcing them to turn back reports Al-Masdar.
Turkish Army Comes Under Attack Inside Idleb

The Turkish Army came under attack on Monday morning while carrying out a patrol along the M4 (Aleppo-Lattakia) highway in Idleb Governorate.

According to the reports from Idleb Governorate, the Turkish army began their patrol on Monday in northeastern Lattakia and made their way east along the M4 highway.

Once the Turkish army patrol made their way into Idleb Governorate, they came under attack by unknown assailants, who fired an RPG round at the soldiers.

No one was reportedly harmed by the attack; however, the Turkish army was forced to suspend their patrol on Monday in order to preserve the security of their forces in northwestern Syria.

The attack against the Turkish army on Monday marks the first time this month that they have been targeted during a patrol in northwestern Syria.

The Turkish army was previously targeted by a roadside bombing in July, which caused a number of casualties within the ranks of their forces.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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