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The Return to the State

Today, the task of restoring the state is more challenging than ever, Bassam Youssef writes in Syria TV.
The Return to the State

It is crucial for the Syrian opposition, and all Syrian elites regardless of their stance on the conflict that began in March 2011, to recognize the danger of state collapse. This risk was exacerbated by the Syrian regime’s deliberate use of state institutions as tools of war against the Syrian people, a practice that began with the Baath Party’s rise to power in 1963 and reached its peak during the Assad family’s rule, where most state institutions were controlled and managed by the family.

This issue is further complicated by the difficulty that all Syrian forces and elites face in separating the security services from the family’s authority. The faint hope of neutralizing the army vanished early on when Syrian army tanks were turned against civilians in their cities and homes. However, a crucial step could have been taken: resisting the plan orchestrated by Bashar al-Assad and his allies, Iran and Hezbollah, to fragment the Syrian social fabric and incite internal conflicts.

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Rehabilitating the Syrian nation as a supreme unifying identity is essential. The greatest threat to this rehabilitation comes from external actors who benefit from and reinforce societal divisions, aligning their interests with this fragmentation. This is compounded by the rise of divisive populism and the spread of hate speech, often fueled by exaggerated grievances.

Today, the task of restoring the state is more challenging than ever, but it remains the only viable path for Syrians. Despite the state’s current fragmented condition, the priority is to restore respect for the Syrian nation as a unifying identity. External actors continue to exploit and deepen societal divisions, linking their interests to this fragmentation. Additionally, the growth of populism and hate speech, driven by exaggerated grievances, poses a significant threat.

To address these challenges, it is necessary to develop both short-term and long-term strategies. In the short term, it is imperative to confront and counteract voices, both domestic and international, that support the regime and exploit Syrian suffering to promote oppression and sub-identities. In the long term, the goal should be to nationalize politics, creating an ideal field for managing the conflict and restoring the Syrian nation. This includes ending the existing tyranny and preventing the monopoly of power by ruling mafias. These strategies must be clearly categorized and pursued with determination to achieve the restoration of a true, unified Syrian state.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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