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The Abu Amsha Train

The opposition pinned their hopes on Arab and regional support, only to be disappointed and left isolated, Ghazwan Qronfol writes in Enab Baladi.
The Abu Amsha Train

When the train of solutions takes off in Syria, those opposed to the regime will find no seats, as these are typically reserved for actors with concrete action plans and visions for the future, backed by power and control. These influential players cannot be ignored when agreements are formulated, a status the opposition lacks.

The opposition pinned their hopes on Arab and regional support, only to be disappointed and left isolated. Now, they rely solely on the Western position, which so far has only served as a barrier to Assad’s rehabilitation. However, such reliance is tenuous, as history has shown that these positions are not steadfast or reliable.

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These Syrians or their unchosen representatives will not be invited to discuss any form of solution that emerges. Instead, they will be sidelined, merely signing off on a document drafted by non-Syrians, reflecting the interests of all international and regional powers involved in the Syrian conflict, except the Syrians themselves.

Throughout the conflict, those “supporting” the anti-regime Syrians have exhausted and constrained their tools, limiting their capabilities and imposing policies that never intended to dismantle the regime or find a suitable alternative. Even at their peak, allies curbed advances within the regime’s areas, ensuring the regime’s survival. To prevent recurrence, supporters decided to overthrow Daraa, Ghouta, and Aleppo, crushing Syrian hopes and cities alike.

This does not absolve Syrians of responsibility for becoming mere tools for others’ interests, neglecting their national goals. Thus, they bear responsibility for the defeat and collapse of their revolution. They were initially defeated by Islamist forces that trampled on the sought democracy, and later by factions that, instead of liberating them, re-enslaved them, violating their rights and plundering their resources. They will continue to be defeated as long as their consciousness remains confined.

Currently, there is talk of an Arab action plan for a regional consensus solution, the validity of which is uncertain. However, it is clear that previously unimaginable solutions will become possible within a few years, amid worsening poverty. Syrians in non-regime areas will become more willing to accept any solution, even if it merely extricates them from their dire situation. The first signs of such a solution involve returning Syrians in the region to compliance, a process underway by all regional governments.

Syrians have been tamed to the extent that leaders like Julani and Abu Amsha have become symbols of a supportive revolution, tools for burying it before the train departs.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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