
On 13th Anniversary of Syrian Revolution: International Calls for ‘Difficult’ Political Solution

The European Union released a statement on Thursday reiterating its call for a sustainable political settlement for Syria.
On 13th Anniversary of Syrian Revolution: International Calls for ‘Difficult’ Political Solution

On the occasion of the 13th anniversary of the Syrian revolution, multiple international bodies have issued statements emphasizing the necessity of a political resolution to the Syrian crisis, aligning with Security Council Resolution 2254.

The European Union released a statement on Thursday, reiterating its call for a sustainable and all-encompassing political settlement for Syria, in accordance with the UN Security Council resolution, deeming it “the sole feasible path forward.”

“Today marks the thirteenth anniversary of the commencement of peaceful protests in Syria and the subsequent brutal suppression by the regime, triggering an ongoing conflict,” the statement acknowledged.

“We must not overlook this unresolved crisis. It remains a situation of grave consequences for the Syrian populace and has a destabilizing impact on the region.”

As per the statement, the conflict in Syria has resulted in the loss of 400,000 lives, with 6.6 million officially registered refugees abroad and an additional 6.8 million internally displaced within Syria.

The EU underscored the imperative of “ensuring accountability for human rights violations and significant breaches of international humanitarian law perpetrated by all parties involved, particularly the Syrian regime and its allies.”

No solution in sight

UN envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, issued a statement on Friday, marking the anniversary of the revolution, where he emphasized that achieving a political resolution to the Syrian crisis “remains a distant prospect.”

Pedersen noted that the conflict is now entering its fourteenth year without any visible progress toward a political settlement.

“My message is straightforward: only by steadfastly pursuing a political solution can we offer hope to the Syrian people,” Pedersen asserted.

Addressing the issue of detainees, abductees, and missing persons comprehensively, Pedersen emphasized, “is crucial for rebuilding lives, reuniting families torn apart, and ensuring the credibility of any sustainable peace process.”

He appealed to all parties involved in the conflict to immediately and unconditionally release all individuals arbitrarily detained.  

13 years of losses 

The UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Syria, Adam Abdel Mawla, and the Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syrian Crisis, Muhannad Hadi, jointly issued a statement commemorating the 13th anniversary of the Syrian revolution.

“The enduring crisis in Syria has inflicted an unimaginable toll on its people over the past thirteen years,” the statement conveyed.

“Continuously, the crisis perpetuates suffering in Syria, worsening the humanitarian conditions each year and impeding the country’s prospects for advancement.”

As outlined in the statement, an estimated 16.7 million individuals in Syria are in dire need of humanitarian aid.

They emphasized the necessity for sufficient, predictable, and multi-year funding, proportionate to the scale of needs on the ground.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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