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Syrian Network for Human Rights: ISIS Has Killed 4,197 People

SNHR says over 4,000 victims have died at the hands of ISIS since the group's formation
Syrian Network for Human Rights: ISIS Has Killed 4,197 People

The Syrian Network for Human Rights has released a report claiming ISIS has killed 4,197 people, including 1,231 civilians (174 of whom children and 163 women) since the group's formation. Most of these murders took place in the city of Aleppo – where ISIS killed 479 people, including 66 children and 61 women. Deir-ez-Zor saw the deaths of 233 people, including 25 children and 21 women, while Hassakeh suffered 143 deaths, including 36 children and 31 women.

ISIS has also killed 2,966 militants, mostly in Deir-ez-Zor province (1,152 deaths), followed by Aleppo (1,110 deaths), Idleb (237) and Raqqa (138).

The murders have been documented by name, location, date, and cause of death, while the SNHR is in possession of some photo and video evidence. Regarding civilian victims, ISIS and THE Nusra Front are responsible for the deaths of 1,506 civilians, including 219 children and 213 women, while 3,057 militants have been killed at the hands of both organizations.

The Nusra Front has reportedly killed 366 victims (275 of them civilians) including 45 children and 50 women. Most of the victims fell in Hama, where 82 people were killed, including six children and 20 women. In Homs, 53 civilians were killed, including 14 children and 12 women. In Idleb, 48 people have been killed, including three children and 10 women.

The Nusra Front also killed 91 militants, mostly in Aleppo (33 militants), Idlib (28 militants) and Damascus (10 militants).

Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer

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