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Suqour al-Shamal Dissolves Itself: Turkish Plan in Northern Syria Towards Success?

This decision follows two days of clashes between the Levant Front and the Suqour al-Shamal Brigade, Athr Press notes.
Suqour al-Shamal Dissolves Itself: Turkish Plan in Northern Syria Towards Success?

The Suqour al-Shamal faction of the Ankara-aligned groups in northern Syria has announced its dissolution, with its headquarters and equipment to be redistributed among other factions of the National Army. This decision follows two days of clashes between the Levant Front and the Suqour al-Shamal Brigade on one side, and the Joint Force of the National Army on the outskirts of Hawar Kilis, north of Aleppo. Reports indicate that both sides suffered casualties, and the clashes later spread to the town of Kamorek in the Afrin countryside.

The White Helmets issued a statement confirming that a truce had been established to facilitate the evacuation of civilians and the entry of ambulances into areas affected by the fighting.

Tensions escalated on September 20, when security unrest emerged in the Afrin region after the Suqour al-Shamal Brigade, part of the Sultan Murad Division, refused to dissolve and merge with other factions. A local source in Aleppo’s countryside noted that the Suqour al-Shamal leadership sought assistance from the Levant Front due to prior conflicts with the Sultan Murad Division, particularly following Turkey’s decision to open the Abu crossing, which the Levant Front opposed.

According to sources from Athr Press, the restructuring aims to eliminate factional identities within the National Army, advocating for a unified command led by a “commander-in-chief” supported by a military council of five additional members. Future divisions will be based on military designations rather than existing factional names.

Sources also indicated that individuals who reject this new structure will be excluded and considered “outside the laws” of the National Army, with military confrontation against dissenting factions being deemed necessary.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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