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Salvation Government Imposes Islamic Dress Code and Segregation of Boys and Girls in Idleb Schools

he Ministry of Education within the Salvation government issued a directive that enforces several Sharia-based regulations, according to Enab Baladi.
Salvation Government Imposes Islamic Dress Code and Segregation of Boys and Girls in Idleb Schools

The Ministry of Education within the Salvation government operating in Idleb has issued a directive aimed at private educational institutions. This directive enforces several Sharia-based regulations, urging strict adherence to these guidelines.

Issued on Sunday, August 6th, the directive comprises seven key points:

  • Eliminating any unlawful drawings and images displayed on school premises.
  • Mandating students in primary and secondary education stages to adhere to modest Islamic attire.
  • Requiring female staff members to wear appropriate Islamic clothing.
  • Instituting a complete segregation of male and female students within primary and secondary education stages.
  • Prohibiting students from carrying mobile phones.
  • Preventing the promotion of inappropriate music and performances that contravene Sharia standards on social media platforms affiliated with educational institutions, as well as during school events both on and off-campus.
  • Discouraging the adoption of trends or fashions that contravene religious teachings and cultural norms, such as excessive use of makeup, revealing clothing, and other similar practices, as outlined in the directive.
  • The Salvation government had previously enforced gender segregation among university students, scheduling separate days for males and females to attend classes. Moreover, some colleges have established distinct departments for each gender.

Overseeing the educational sector, the Ministry of Education in the Salvation Government operates alongside education directorates, sharing responsibilities. The ministry is currently led by Muhammad Nazir al-Qadri, who assumed the position in late May.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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