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Regime Expands Air Assaults

Air forces pound new areas of Aleppo and elsewhere across the country
Regime Expands Air Assaults

Regime helicopters are still shelling Aleppo, after a ten day assault that has killed hundreds.


The regime expanded the assault to include Naqqarin and Anadan, which were bombarded on Saturday, as well as other regions in Aleppo city and province.


Zabadani in the countryside of Damascus was also subjected to violent shelling from the checkpoints of the western mountains in the Jamiyat region.


Regime forces also shelled the city of Buqqin.


Rockets fell on Adra and air forces shelled the sports club in the Salihieh neighborhood in Yabroud, north of Damascus, causing many casualties.


In Daraa countryside, there was heavy shelling on eastern Meliha area by thr elite Brigade 52 in al-Hrak, while many were wounded in the shelling on Nuaib village.


Brigades 15 and 79 targeted Enkhil, Salmeen and Zamreen with artillery and rockets, while explosive barrels fell on the village of Jasim.


Regime air forces also bombarded the Akrad mountains in Latakia, and the Qabban checkpoint targeted the western neighborhood of al-Zwarin Tibet al-Imam, in Hama, with artillery and rockets.


In Homs, regime forces shelled the besieged neighborhoods with artillery and rockets and many were wounded in Midan. Regime forces located at the checkpoints of Qurmos also shelled the northern parts of Rastan and Houla.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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