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Regime Bombards Douma City Killing Dozens

Assad forces continue to attack Damascus countryside targeting medical checkpoints
Regime Bombards Douma City Killing Dozens

Dozens of civilians were killed and wounded on Monday when regime warplanes bombarded the city of Douma in Damascus countryside with barrel bombs and mortar shells.


A Siraj Press reporter claimed two of the city’s medical centers – the hospitalization center and the second central emergency point – have been targeted with several explosive barrels, resulting in the deaths of five and the injury of dozens more.


Regime checkpoints in Hafir region targeted a city market with mortar fire, resulting in the death of more than 18 civilians, including women and children, and the injury of more than 40 others. Medical teams continue their efforts to save the wounded despite shortages of medical supplies and the overcrowding of field hospitals in Douma.


Activists claim Bashar al-Assad is waging a genocidal war against Ghouta, and Douma in particular, describing Monday as a "massacre".


The medical office in Douma city announced a number of medical points would be closed after the targeting of three other stations, as remaining points could no longer accommodate the wounded.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer

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