Some 20 public and private research and scientific bodies have taken part in the first day of a conference on reconstruction in Damascus.
Prime Minister Wael al-Halki said reconstruction is one of the most key issues at this critical point for the country, which “demands societal agreement and consolidation of security and stability."
He stressed that an integrated methodology needs to be set up for the process of reconstruction in which scientific research institutions and bodies could work as "active partners”.
In his review of the procedures taken by the government in preparation for the reconstruction process, Halki indicated the Central Reconstruction Committee had been allocated 81.5 billion SP of the state’s budget for implementation of the process over three years.
Speaking of priorities, the premier said the geographical areas where the army had restored security and stability after expelling terrorists and which are rendered ready for accommodation will be the first.
He cited Kafrsouseh and Basatin al-Razi in the city of Damascus, and the Baba Amr neighborhood in the city of Homs as areas considered ready.
Chief among the issues and topics to be discussed during the two-day conference are the national policies, legislative, administrative and financial environment, infrastructure and economic and human resources development.
Other issues related to the sectors of transport, health, energy and informatics will also be on the table, in addition to benefiting from leading international experiences.
Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer