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Largest Ever: New Batch of Pro-Assad Forces Reach Suweida

Last weekend, the Assad regime initiated the deployment of military reinforcements into the governorate, al-Souria Net says.
Largest Ever: New Batch of Pro-Assad Forces Reach Suweida

Fresh military reinforcements for Assad’s forces, described as “the largest of their kind,” have reportedly reached Suweida governorate, according to local news networks.

Rased network reported on Saturday that the morning arrivals included a convoy of personnel carriers, tanks, and armoured vehicles. “The convoy spans several kilometres and comprises dozens of heavy machinery,” the report stated.

A video released by the local Suwayda 24 network documented the arrival of security vehicles equipped with machine guns in the governorate. These vehicles were observed passing through the village of al-Soura al-Kabira before dispersing into various areas of Suweida.

Syria Today – Syrian and Iranian Forces Enter Suweida

Last weekend, the Assad regime initiated the deployment of military reinforcements into the governorate, prompting speculation about the motives behind this move.

Hikmat al-Hijri, the sheikh of the Druze Almohad sect, issued a statement cautioning against any escalation or disturbance. “We warn all parties against any actions that may disrupt peace or cause harm,” he emphasized.

Hijri reaffirmed the peaceful nature of the movement in Suweida, asserting that the people persist in their peaceful advocacy for rights. He emphasized the community’s commitment to nonviolence and diplomacy in pursuing their demands.

Addressing concerns about potential disruptions, Hijri stated, “No force can extinguish the flame of peace; the resilience of the truth is more enduring than the brightest sun.”

For over 200 days, residents of Suweida have been gathering in Karama Square, demanding an end to the Assad regime and the implementation of UN Resolution 2254 for a solution in Syria.

In recent months, these protests have escalated with the closure of Baath Party branches and symbolic acts such as burning images of Assad and his predecessors, symbolizing their rejection of the regime’s security apparatus.

While the Assad regime has not directly addressed the peaceful demonstrations in the governorate, recent actions, including the influx of military reinforcements, have heightened suspicion among residents and activists about the regime’s intentions.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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