
In Light of Statements of Rapprochement Between Turkey & Assad Regime: Uncertainty Among SDF

Sources told Shaam Network that the SDF in Manbij fears that normalization of relations between the Syrian regime and Turkey signals the beginning of their end.
In Light of Statements of Rapprochement Between Turkey & Assad Regime: Uncertainty Among SDF

Local sources in the city of Manbij, in the eastern countryside of Aleppo, under the control of the so-called Autonomous Administration (the civilian umbrella of the Democratic Syria Forces or SDF), reported a state of confusion and fear among SDF leaders and members due to the rapprochement between Turkey and the Assad regime.

Sources told Shaam Network that the confusion and fear among the SDF militias in Manbij stem from their view that the normalization of relations between the Syrian regime and Turkey signals the beginning of their end. This sentiment extends across their areas of influence in northern and eastern Syria.

A former SDF member in Manbij said that the militia members are now aware of the danger they face as statements and rapprochements between the Assad regime and Turkey increase. He noted that he had recently fled to a European country.

He highlighted that the SDF employs intelligence mechanisms to limit escapes, and PKK officials in Manbij have instructed to spread the news that the US-led coalition forces will not abandon the SDF and that normalization between the regime and Turkey is merely for media consumption.

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Regarding the SDF’s condemnation of the rapprochement, he viewed it as a policy to reassure members and prevent them from fleeing, especially the Arab component, with potential military operations in the region.

Additional indicators of panic among SDF cadres include reports from a real estate office owner in Manbij, who confirmed that most leaders, both military and civilian, are selling their properties in the city through relatives in preparation for any emergency. 

He added that most leaders now live in rental houses, aware that they lack popular support and would lose all the money they collected through taxes and bribes if any war occurred.

He also mentioned that all cars owned by SDF leaders and departments in Manbij are being sold at below-market prices, indicating their urgency to sell and leave nothing behind.

Furthermore, some Kurdish families in Manbij have moved their household furniture to the cities of Tabqa and Raqqa in anticipation of any emergency. Although they are civilians, they fear the reaction of the people in the city if a war occurs, due to the Kurdish leadership’s divisive policies between Kurds and Arabs and their racist treatment of the Arab population.

The Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) issued a statement in light of events in the Turkish city of Kayseri and the liberated north of Syria, expressing support for “every uprising carried out by Syrians against injustice, oppression, and racism.” They called for an inclusive national conference to lay the foundations for Syria’s salvation and liberation.

The Kurdish Autonomous Administration parties believe that any rapprochement between Damascus and Ankara would legitimize the Turkish presence in northern Syria and open the door to external interference in Syria’s internal affairs.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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