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Former Deir-ez-Zor Governor Responsible for Killing 4,000 Syrians

The Syrian Network for Human Rights reported that Samir Othman al-Sheikh is responsible for the disappearance of 508 Syrians.
Former Deir-ez-Zor Governor Responsible for Killing 4,000 Syrians

The Syrian Network for Human Rights reported on Wednesday that Samir Othman al-Sheikh, the former governor of Deir-ez-Zor affiliated with the Syrian regime, is responsible for the killing of nearly 4,000 Syrian citizens, including 93 under torture, and the disappearance of 508 others.

The report follows the announcement by U.S. authorities on Tuesday of Sheikh’s arrest on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria. U.S. law enforcement authorities arrested Sheikh on July 9 in Los Angeles, California.

According to the Syrian Network’s data, Samir Othman Sheikh, a native of Idlib governorate, was a former officer with the rank of brigadier general. He retired at the beginning of 2011 and held several leadership positions, including head of Adra Central Prison and head of the Political Security branch in Damascus countryside governorate.

On July 24, 2011, Sheikh was appointed governor of Deir-ez-Zor, succeeding Hussein Arnous (currently the head of the regime’s government), and remained in office until early 2013. His appointment coincided with the start of the popular movement in Deir-ez-Zor governorate, and he was a member of the security committee responsible for making military and security decisions in the governorate.

During his tenure as governor, Syrian regime forces entered the city of Deir-ez-Zor in August 2011 to suppress popular protests. During this time, Sheikh worked with several key figures, including Colonel Muhyeddine Harmoush (head of the Political Security Branch), Brigadier General Mohamed Tayara (head of the Air Force Intelligence Branch), Major General Jamaa Jamaa (head of the Military Security Branch), and Brigadier General Daas al-Ali (head of the State Security Branch).

According to testimonies from survivors of detention in Deir-ez-Zor governorate, detainees were often gathered in the governorate building before being transferred to detention centers. During this period, Sheikh was responsible for severe violations within his powers, not only failing to prevent them but potentially giving orders for them.

Sheikh responsible for killing 4,000 and hiding 508 

The Syrian Network for Human Rights indicated that it provided the U.S. Department of Justice with evidence of the most prominent violations committed by Samir Othman Sheikh during his tenure. These violations, recorded from the end of April 2011 until January 15, 2013, include murder, torture, arrest, and enforced disappearance.

The Syrian Network documented the killing of 3,933 civilians, including 312 children and 261 women, by Syrian regime forces and militias loyal to them during this period. Among the victims were at least 14 medical personnel and 13 media personnel.

Additionally, at least 93 people, including two children, were killed in detention centers of the regime forces in Deir-ez-Zor governorate. There were at least 659 arrests, including 31 children and 19 women, of whom 47 were released. The remaining 612 cases included 508 who were subjected to enforced disappearance.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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