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Escalation in Syria: Civilian Protests Met with Violence Amid Increased Military Attacks

Suweida Protesters are increasingly targeted by the security forces, Syria TV says.
Escalation in Syria: Civilian Protests Met with Violence Amid Increased Military Attacks

In a recent incident that has sparked outrage, Syrian security forces opened fire on protesters in Suweida’s Karama Square on Monday. According to Al-Rasid Network, the altercation began with a verbal dispute between a motorcyclist and a regime security checkpoint. The situation quickly escalated when masked men and police officers began shooting indiscriminately.

Eyewitnesses reported that bullets were fired from the police headquarters and nearby rooftops without any provocation, suggesting a premeditated effort to intimidate peaceful demonstrators. Jihad Zahr Al-Din, one of the protesters, was shot directly as he descended the steps of a local bank, indicating targeted violence rather than a random incident.

The presence of masked men among the security forces has raised suspicions about the regime’s intentions. Locals believe this was a deliberate attempt to provoke and escalate tensions, transforming peaceful protests into violent confrontations. Contradictory official statements have further fueled distrust, as some regime sources falsely claimed that the shooting was a defensive response to an attack on the police headquarters.

Increased Military Operations in Northern Syria

On Tuesday, the regime intensified its military actions in Hama and Latakia, using heavy artillery and mortars. Local Telegram accounts reported that the Syrian forces heavily shelled Jabal al-Turkman in northern Latakia and Anqawi village in Hama with artillery and heavy machine guns.

In a separate, yet related development, regime forces launched a series of drone attacks in southern Idlib, causing significant damage to civilian property. Early on Monday, multiple villages, including Ma’arazaf, Al-Mantaf, and Al-Brij, were targeted by 17 explosive-laden drones in a coordinated strike. The Syrian Civil Defense (White Helmets) confirmed the destruction of seven civilian vehicles, including small cars, a truck, a passenger van, and an engineering bulldozer.

Preventive Measures Against Drone Attacks

Amidst the increasing drone threat, local military observers in Idlib have issued guidelines to minimize risks. These include using routes shielded by natural barriers to block drone signals, maintaining constant vigilance for the loud noise of drones, and staying clear of vehicles when drones are detected. They also recommend taking cover for up to 20 minutes, the typical duration of a drone’s battery life.

The recent surge in violence highlights the regime’s aggressive stance towards both civilian dissent and rebel-held areas, demonstrating its intent to assert control through force.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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