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Assad Replaces Four Governors

Syrian regime president Bashar al-Assad issued four decrees replacing the four governors of Lattakia, Idleb, Daraa, and as-Suweida, according to Enab Baladi.
Assad Terminates Replaces Four Governors
Assad Replaces Four Governors

The head of the Syrian regime, Bashar al-Assad, issued four decrees terminating the post of the four governors of Lattakia, Idleb, Daraa, and as-Suweida.

The four decrees by Assad, which were issued on Wednesday, included the appointment of four new governors to replace the outgoing ones, the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported.

Decree No. 347 included the termination of Ibrahim Khader al-Salem’s appointment as governor of Lattakia, and the appointment of Amer Ismail Hilal in his place.

Hilal, has served as general manager of the General Company for Building and Reconstruction from 2014 until now, and director of the Damascus branch of the General Company for Water Projects.

Assad also terminated Marwan Ibrahim Sharbak’s appointment as governor of Daraa, appointing Louay Kharita in his place. Kharita has previously held several positions, including Deputy Minister of Local Administration and Environment for Technical Affairs and Planning, as well as Assistant Minister of Local Administration and Environment for Land Management Affairs.

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He also served as director of the Directorate of Technical Services in Rural Damascus, chairman of the Zabadani City Council, in addition to working in the Technical Office of Qudsaya Suburb.

According to the new decree, Hammam Dibbiyat was removed as governor of as-Suweida, and Namir Habib Makhlouf was appointed in his place.

Makhlouf previously served as general manager of the Syrian Oil Transport Company in Baniyas.

Assad also ended Mohammad Natouf’s appointment as governor of Idleb, and appointed Thaer Naseh Salhab in his place.

Salhab was a member of the Hama governorate’s executive office for many sectors, such as hydrocarbons, supply, and industry.

This is the first time in 2021 that these replacements have occurred. Last year, new governors were appointed in three batches. The first batch featured replacements in five provinces: as-Suweida, Homs, Quneitra, Daraa, and Hassakeh. The second batch appointed new governors in Raqqa, Idleb, Hama, and Deir-ez-Zor. Finally,  a new governor was appointed for Rural Damascus in early December 2020.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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