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Arab and Foreign Trade Unions Meet in Damascus to Voice Solidarity With Syrian Workers

Arab and foreign trade unions have spoken out against the economic sanctions imposed on Syria and the political hypocrisy of the countries supporting terrorism writes SANA.
Arab and Foreign Trade Unions Meet in Damascus to Voice Solidarity With Syrian Workers

More than 100 Arab and foreign trade unions plus tens of intellectuals, journalists and political and social activists are taking part in the 3rd International Trade Unions Forum on Solidarity with the Syrian Workers and People against terrorism, economic siege and imperialist intervention, which kicked off in Damascus, under the patronage of President Bashar Al-Assad.

Prime Minister Imad Khamis, who represented Assad at the two-day event, said in the opening speech that, “terrorism is a danger that faces all countries, including those supporting, funding and investing in it to serve their political purposes”. He pointed out that Syria has always warned of such schemes.

Topics to be discussed during the conference include the illegality of the unilateral coercive economic measures imposed on the Syrian people from the international law’s perspective and the negative impacts of sanctions and blockade policies on the Syrian workers and people; policies that go in harmony with terrorism.

The role that can be played by trade unions, civil society organizations and media outlets in uncovering the takfiri mentality and the political hypocrisy of the countries supporting terrorism will also be discussed besides the importance of solidarity among the peoples of the world in the fight against terrorism.

A special session will be dedicated to voice solidarity with the Syrian people and workers, during which the role played by trade unions and civil society parties in pressuring the governments that support terrorism and in uncovering these government’s involvement in the unfair economic siege imposed on the Syrian people will be discussed.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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