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Traders & Industrialists Take Initiative to Meet Requirements of Refugees from Lebanon

Muhammad al-Hallaq, a member of the Damascus Chamber of Commerce, told al-Watan that that Syria currently has a robust stock of essential food items and commodities in its warehouses.
Traders & Industrialists Take Initiative to Meet Requirements of Refugees from Lebanon

The border crossings have seen a significant influx of Lebanese and Syrian citizens over several days, from Tuesday to noon on Saturday. Additionally, thousands have entered through the crossings in Homs governorate. This surge necessitates substantial preparations in the markets and coordinated measures from relevant authorities to manage the anticipated increase in consumption.

Ghazwan al-Masri, head of the Federation of Chambers of Industry, announced in a statement to Al-Watan that a committee was formed in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Administration and Environment, as well as the Damascus Chamber of Industry and the Damascus Countryside Chamber of Commerce. This committee aims to organize initiatives to address the needs of displaced families, having already identified a list of their requirements.

Masri emphasized that the chambers will fulfill their responsibilities as part of their social commitment.

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In a related statement, Muhammad al-Hallaq, a member of the Damascus Chamber of Commerce, noted that Syria currently has a robust stock of essential food items and commodities in its warehouses. The flow of goods has become steady and regular, particularly after a decline caused by recent tensions in the Red Sea. Importers have adjusted their schedules to accommodate new shipping timelines, which now take about 70 days, allowing stores to be replenished.

Hallaq assessed that the influx from Lebanon, given the current circumstances, is manageable and will not trigger a crisis or lead to a sudden decrease in-store inventories. However, he urged traders to take proactive measures, including increasing imports to bolster stock levels. Many traders have already signed new contracts for essential goods, prioritizing items like tea, rice, bulgur, and sardines.

Furthermore, Hallaq indicated that the Damascus Chamber of Commerce is preparing various initiatives to assist those arriving from Lebanon, regardless of whether they are Syrian or Lebanese. The response will be prompt, potentially involving direct material assistance from merchants or the Chamber itself, as well as the provision of blankets, mattresses, and other necessities for displaced families. The Chamber is committed to sourcing these materials and fulfilling its social responsibility through these initiatives.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.


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