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Economic Factor’s Contribution to Increasing Violence Against Women

A 24-hour hotline provides legal counselling, psychological support, and referral services, Athr Press says.
Economic Factor’s Contribution to Increasing Violence Against Women

Violence against women and girls has surged in war-torn Syria., particularly in domestic settings, sometimes resulting in fatalities. 

Waddah al-Rakkad, Director of Family Affairs at the Syrian Commission for Family Affairs, attributes the increase to environmental factors, prominently economic and cultural. While exact statistics are unavailable, efforts are underway to develop a national strategy to combat violence against women and girls.

The Family Protection Unit, established in 2017, offers a comprehensive package of services, including Shelter and social support, Legal advice and psychological counselling, and Professional training and family reintegration assistance.

A 24-hour hotline provides legal counselling, psychological support, and referral services. The “Don’t Be Silent” campaign encourages reporting domestic violence. The Unit also offers medical services, diagnosis, treatment, and medication for victims of sexual violence.

Non-governmental organizations are working on projects to combat violence against women, including legal awareness campaigns and support services.

These efforts aim to provide essential assistance and support to victims of violence.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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