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A New Private Company to Run Airlines

The airline's name and logo will remain unchanged, as the private company's role is solely managerial, al-Watan writes.
A New Private Company to Run Airlines

The Director General of Syrian Airlines, Hatem Kabbas, has announced that a private company will soon take over the management of the airline, marking a significant milestone in its development and investment. The company is expected to commence operations within a month, focusing on enhancing the airline’s fleet, employee benefits, and services.

Kabbas emphasized that the airline’s name and logo will remain unchanged, as the private company’s role is solely managerial. The contract outlines specific goals and objectives for the company to achieve each year, which will be closely monitored by Syrian Airlines.

Expanded Services and Routes

In addition to the management overhaul, Syrian Airlines is working to resolve technical difficulties to operate flights to Bahrain. Kabbas expects these issues to be resolved by the end of the month, enabling the airline to launch flights to Manama.

In response to growing demand, a second flight has been added to Riyadh, making it easier for the Syrian community to visit Syria. The airline is also exploring options to open additional flights, subject to technical and operational capacity considerations. Currently, Syrian Air operates four flights daily, with plans for further expansion.

A New Era for Syrian Airlines

Syrian Airlines has introduced a new weekly flight from Damascus to Riyadh, scheduled for Fridays. This addition brings the total number of flights to Saudi Arabia to two per week, with departures from Damascus on Wednesdays and Fridays.

The return of regular Syrian Airlines flights to Riyadh after a 12-year hiatus marks a significant turning point for the airline. With private management and expanded services, Syrian Airlines is poised for revitalization and growth.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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