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Eight Assad Officers Killed, Iranian Militias Suffer Casualties

Several Syrian army military personnel and members of militias affiliated with Iran have died across the country, the Shaam News network reports
Eight Assad Officers Killed, Iranian Militias Suffer Casualties

The Shaam News Network has identified the death of at least eight officers from Assad’s forces, including a colonel, major, captain, lieutenant colonel, and a commander from the Nusour al-Zawba’a militia. Meanwhile, Iranian militia members have suffered new losses during renewed attacks in areas of the Syrian Badia. Local sources have revealed the loss of a regime patrol in Maadan desert, Ateeq, in rural Raqqa.

Lt. Col. Majd Suhail Barbhan was killed by rebels during clashes on frontlines in Idleb. Barbahan hails from the village of Qardaha in the Lattakia governorate, according to news outlets loyal to the Assad regime.

A captain named Asef Mohammed Ali, from the village of Ras al-Ain, in the Jableh area, was killed on the Idleb front lines in northwestern Syria.

Also on the Idleb front lines, Lieutenant Hatem Ali al-Daoud was killed near the city of Saraqib. Daoud comes from the Rasm al-Dawli village in Manbij, in Aleppo’s rural east. Pro-Assad regime news outlets published pictures of Daoud’s funeral, which regime figures attended.

Sources close to the Assad regime mourned Lieutenant Zulfiqar Mansour of the regime’s forces. He died due to Israeli army shelling around the capital Damascus. He hails from the town of Hammam Wasel, which belongs to the Qadmous region  on  the Syrian coast.

Meanwhile, sources inside the regime mourned the death of First Lieutenant Ahmed Naim Mohammed, from the Daraa traffic branch. Mohammed died from a traffic accident on the Damascus-Homs highway near the city of Qara in Qalamoun in Rural Damascus.

Colonel Hassan Ali Abbas, who hails from the Jableh area of the Lattakia countryside, was killed in mysterious circumstances, with no reason for his death provided. Meanwhile, mourning occurred on the social media pages of a 39-year-old loyalist named Major Said Mansour, who died from a “heart attack.” Masour was buried in the village of al-Qabou, his hometown in Homs.

Nusour al-Zawba’a militia announced the death of their commander Ahmed Nasr al-Ayoubi, amid reports that he had been assassinated in Lebanon. It is reported that the militias mentioned are mostly Syrian Christians, who consider the city of al-Suqaylabiyah in Hama to be a major stronghold. The militia participated alongside regime forces as a renegade entity and survived, especially in northern and central Syria.

In the Syrian Badia, several members of the regime’s forces were killed in an armed attack on a military vehicle on the Athariya road, west of Raqqa. Activists in the Khabour area pointed to a heavy security alert after the loss of a regime patrol in the Badia of Maadan Ateeq in the countryside of Raqqa.

On Tuesday, sources told al-Araby al-Jadid that ISIS operatives had attacked a camp in the Palmyra and al-Sukhna Badias, east of Homs governorate. The attack killed eight fighters and injured several others, who were taken to the Palmyra military hospital.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.


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