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Clashes Between Fourth Division Volunteers and State Security Checkpoint West of Damascus

Clashes occurred at a checkpoint in rural Damascus following a disagreement between the Fourth Division and state security reports Sowt Al-Asima.
Clashes Between Fourth Division Volunteers and State Security Checkpoint West of Damascus

Members of the Fourth Division and others stationed at a state security checkpoint near the city of Kiswa in rural western Damascus engaged in a clash with light weaponry on Sunday. 

The clashes took place between four Fourth Division volunteers from the town of Kanaker in rural Damascus, and others from state security who were posted at the al-Zayyat checkpoint on the road between Kanaker and the Dannoun area near Kiswa. 

According to sources, the clashes came after a verbal spat between the two sides when the Fourth Division volunteers refused to stop at the checkpoint, pushing the state security personnel to insult them and try to stop them. The sources affirmed that the Fourth Division volunteers returned and fired directly on the checkpoint. 

The clashes resulted in the injury of Fadi Nour al-Deen, a Fourth Division volunteer, as well as a state security personnel member at the checkpoint, sources said. They were taken to the al-Imani Private Hospital in Kiswa before being transferred to Hospital 601 in Damascus. 

Sources clarified that the state security branch arrested Essam Nour al-Deen, Shadi Nour al-Deen and Abdo al-Houri, who carried out the attack alongside Fadi Nour al-Deen. The men come from Kanaker. Their weapons were confiscated.             

The family of the arrested men threatened to target the al-Zayyat checkpoint again unless their sons were released. They made the threat after visiting the checkpoint in an attempt to reach an agreement to release the men. The official in charge of the checkpoint refused, according to sources.

Sources added that the state security branch sent a number of its personnel to the checkpoint, accompanied by vehicles equipped with “Doshka” machine guns to secure the perimeter of the checkpoint from any attacks.                                                                                        

According to sources, a brother of Issam Nour al-Deen, one of the detainees, fired directly on the al-Qous checkpoint at the entrance of Kanaker after his family returned having failed to release him. Nobody was injured.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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