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After Targeting of Commander. Clashes Between Eighth Brigade and Popular Committees in Daraa

Daraa is living in a state of chaos and lawlessness, Syria TV says.
After Targeting of Commander. Clashes Between Eighth Brigade and Popular Committees in Daraa

The town of Qarfa in the central countryside of Daraa witnessed clashes between the Eighth Brigade and the Popular Committees after a commander in the former was directly targeted with live bullets.

Ahrar Horan Group said on Sunday that a fighter and a commander in the 8th Brigade called “Ahmad al-Ghazali” were injured and taken to the hospital after being shot directly by members of the pro-regime “Popular Committees” in Qarafa town.

Following the incident, members of the 8th Brigade combed the town in search of the members of the Popular Committees who opened fire.

Syrian Regime Officer Killed in Daraa Countryside

Groups from the Russian-backed 8th Brigade arrested four members of the Popular Committees after clashes with them, according to Al-Tajammu.

The Eighth Brigade was a prominent opposition faction called the Sunni Youth Forces before the Daraa settlement agreement in 2018, after the agreement it became the Eighth Brigade and is known to be affiliated with the Fifth Corps and has become Russia’s military arm in the southern region.

Daraa province is living in a state of chaos and lawlessness, and late last month, the “Popular Committees” affiliated with the Military Security branch in Daraa executed two people in the town of Mahjah, after an assassination operation against two workers within the committees.

This came after the town witnessed armed clashes between unidentified people and the “committees”, which led to the death of 3 people, including a civilian, and the wounding of others, followed by escalating security tensions.

Daraa province has been witnessing security chaos since the July 2018 settlement agreement between the Syrian regime and opposition factions under Russian auspices.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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