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On Incident that Took Place During Demonstration in Azaz, Rural Aleppo

Statement by the Syrian Opposition Coalition.
On Incident that Took Place During Demonstration in Azaz, Rural Aleppo

The Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) stresses that the goal of the SOC’s president’s visit to the town of Azaz was to participate in and support the popular demonstrations that reaffirmed commitment to the goals of the Syrian Revolution until the overthrow of the Assad regime.

The SOC is keen to be on the side of the free people who are making immense sacrifices in order to achieve the goals of the great Syrian Revolution.

We renew our support for the demonstrations of our people as we affirm that the Syrian Revolution needs the concerted efforts of revolutionary forces at all levels (popular, military, political and media) in order to achieve the goals of the revolution and bring down the Assad regime and its allies.

May our wounded recover, our detainees are free, and our fallen heroes rest in peace.

Long live Syria and its people, free and with honour.


The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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