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German Court Ruling Sparks Controversy Over Deportation to Syria

The ruling contradicts the current practice of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Shaam Network writes.
Germany Syrian refugees
German Court Ruling Sparks Controversy Over Deportation to Syria

A recent decision by the Higher Administrative Court in Münster, Germany, has ignited a heated debate over the potential deportation of refugees to Syria. The court ruled that a Syrian asylum seeker, who had been involved in people smuggling, was no longer at risk of war-related harm in Syria and therefore did not qualify for subsidiary protection.

Court Decision Contradicts Current Practice

The ruling contradicts the current practice of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), which generally grants Syrian asylum seekers subsidiary protection due to the ongoing civil war. However, the court’s decision highlights the complexity of individual cases and the need for nuanced assessments.

Renewed Calls to End Subsidiary Protection

The ruling has sparked renewed calls from politicians to end subsidiary protection for refugees from Syria and Afghanistan. The Association of German Municipalities and the Christian Union have advocated for reevaluating the situation in these countries and designating certain areas as safe for deportation.

Politicians Weigh In

Henning Höhne, head of the Free Democratic Party in North Rhine, stated that subsidiary protection for those coming from Syria is no longer appropriate. Bavaria’s Interior Minister, Joachim Herrmann, considered the ruling “very important” and indicated the need for a new evaluation of the situation in Syria.

Potential Consequences

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser is in talks with several countries regarding the potential deportation of dangerous criminals and those sympathetic to terrorism to Afghanistan and Syria. Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann emphasized the need for a closer look at who can be deported to which part of Syria, acknowledging the varying security situations within the country.

The ruling has reopened discussions on the possibility of deporting refugees to countries like Syria and Afghanistan, highlighting the need for careful consideration and nuanced assessments of individual cases.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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