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Will Syrian Crisis Give Birth to Liberalism?

A Syrian minister has warned of a slip toward individualism in Syrian society, writes Etihad Press.
Will Syrian Crisis Give Birth to Liberalism?

Minister of Social Affairs and Labor in the Syrian government Salwa Abdullah revealed that the Syrian family has not been getting 80 percent of its essential, basic, and daily needs due to the war it has been living through for more than ten years, in addition to the “unjust siege of Syrian citizens, which has affected all facets of their lives.”

Abdullah confirmed to the media during the launching event of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor’s campaign, entitled “The Days of the Syrian Family,” that “Syria is still able to overcome this crisis by returning to regarding the family as a basic component of society and moving away from the individualism that neoliberalism promotes.”

About the issue of corruption as the direct cause for what the country is experiencing, Abdullah said that “all countries of the world that have suffered wars saw the surfacing of those who take advantage of crises and wars, but there is a lot of goodness in Syria, and only 10 percent of the good people in Syria would be sufficient to rebuild the state again.”

Director-General of the Syrian Commission for Family and Population Affairs, Akram al-Qash, said that “although at the beginning of the crisis, thousands of Syrian families exhibited a kind of unique and purposeful social solidarity, this has begun to change recently as a result of the poor economic conditions. We have been hearing some opinions calling for individualism. The goal of this campaign is to stay away from that, for we do not want to slip into a modern liberal behavior in our society.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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