
Intellectual and Political Dialogues with Assad and Abkhazian Minister Explores Complex Issues

Assad discussed the centrality of national identity in conflicts over the past decade, al-Watan writes.
Intellectual and Political Dialogues with Assad and Abkhazian Minister Explores Complex Issues

President Bashar al-Assad held a unique political and intellectual discussion titled “The Global Majority” with Abkhazian Foreign Minister Inal Ardzinba.

During this meeting, Foreign Minister Ardzinba recorded President al-Assad’s insights on how the national identities of various peoples are influenced by Western-instigated conflicts around the world. He emphasized the significant sacrifices nations make to preserve their dignity and critiqued the Western dominance and the current lack of genuine leadership in those countries.

The conversation highlighted the stance of nations that strive for decision-making autonomy and sovereignty. These nations represent the “global majority” in opposition to a coalition of Western countries, predominantly led by the United States.

Excerpts from this dialogue are scheduled for broadcast today on official Russian television.

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In the dialogue, President al-Assad discussed the centrality of national identity in conflicts over the past decade, stating, “It’s imperative to learn to shield our national identity from foreign encroachments. The ultimate strategy to subdue us is to dismantle our national identity, which encompasses our culture, values, and traditions.”

Regarding the United States’ global influence, President al-Assad remarked, “Their approach to dominance is evident, but defending our national identity empowers us to resist. Even though the U.S. uses economic incentives to maintain control, prioritizing national identity enables us to focus on more than just material gains.”

A shifting global landscape

The Abkhaz Foreign Minister noted that the world is evolving, with leaders of many countries increasingly prioritizing national interests, which seems to be leading to a waning influence of the United States.

President al-Assad agreed, acknowledging the accuracy of this observation. He reflected on the lessons learned from past errors, noting the ideal possibility of forming alliances with the West. However, he pointed out that the West does not seek genuine partnerships, preferring instead to have subordinates.

The Abkhaz Foreign Minister then commented on the West’s particular aversion to independent leaders like President al-Assad and the Russian President.

President al-Assad concurred, stating that while the West promotes democracy, it is intolerant of any form of dissent. To them, democracy equates to acquiescence to their demands, with any deviation from this expectation deemed unacceptable.

Discussing Russia’s role, President al-Assad clarified a common misconception. He explained that it is often claimed that Russia supported the Syrian president or government, but this is not the case. Instead, Russia has supported the Syrian people, protecting Syria’s sovereignty and, consequently, upholding international law, which, although still in existence on paper, often seems neglected. He emphasized that Russia has tackled international terrorism directly, confronting it not merely as localized insurgencies but as a global network active in regions including Europe, Russia, and Indonesia. He stressed that the ideology behind today’s terrorism is cohesive and that Russia’s military involvement in Syria serves as a protective measure for Syrians and for Russia’s own national security. This role of Russia is crucial not only globally but particularly for the Mediterranean region and Syria due to its strategic geopolitical importance.

Tides of change

The Abkhaz Foreign Minister asked President al-Assad to elaborate on his views concerning the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, specifically regarding his belief that it will alter the course of world history.

President al-Assad expressed that, in his view, the operation would not rewrite history but rather correct its course. He explained that Russia’s actions represent a stand against Western interference in sovereign nations, whether it be combating terrorism in Syria or addressing conflicts in Ukraine, with the adversary remaining consistent across these scenarios. He emphasized that Russia’s involvement is a pursuit of a balanced global power dynamic, especially significant following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, which he described not as a sudden occurrence but rather the result of efforts to incite divisions within its historically harmonious communities.

Adding to this, President al-Assad discussed China’s global role post-Soviet Union. He critiqued the prevailing belief that liberalism had achieved ultimate victory, which suggested that an ideal world would resemble the American political and economic systems, where monetary gain often overshadowed moral values. Contrary to this, he highlighted China’s model, which merges Communist principles with a capitalist economy. This synthesis has enabled a centralized, socially-oriented state that maintains economic freedom for businesses. Observing developments since 2008, President al-Assad noted China’s steady ascent juxtaposed with the Western economic decline, illustrating that while capitalist principles are vital for economic growth, using capitalism as the sole governance model is fundamentally flawed. He underscored China’s strategic global role as essential in demonstrating these dynamics.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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